Independo 2.0: New features, more flexibility

Since the launch of the Independo app in February, we have been collecting your feedback. Thanks to your feedback, we were able to assess what works well and what needs to be improved. Now, three months later, we are pleased to present Independo 2.0 to you - with new functions and a modern design that will make your everyday life even easier.
New Features:
• Accurate times: With Independo 2.0 you can set exact times for your appointments. Soccer training from 17:15 to 18:30? No problem
• Dates in the distant future: A monthly overview is available in the new version. This makes it easier for you to create appointments that are in the distant future.
New look
Our new design makes the app clearer:
• Scheduling at a glance
• New day view
• New week view

Advanced settings menu
We have also expanded our settings menu. Because the app should adapt to YOU!
• Display of the time of day: Everyone has their own way of visualizing time. That's why you can now choose between an analog clock, times of day such as morning and afternoon, and a digital clock.
• Optional day colors: You can now decide for yourself whether the current day, all days or no days should be highlighted with a background color.
• Optional auxiliary time slots: Auxiliary time slots make it easy to create appointments, as days and times are pre-filled.