The calendar app

Plan, document and share your day based on pictograms.

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✓ Individually customizable
♡ Synchronizable
✓ Diary feature
☼ Pictogram-based
Daily and weekly schedules
✓ Individually customizable
♡ Synchronizable
✓ Diary feature
☼ Pictogram-based
Daily and weekly schedules
The weekly view of our calendar app on an iPad with an Apple Pencil lying next to it. Events such as therapy on Tuesday are displayed with appropriate Metacom icons.

The features

Die Terminansicht in unserer Kalenderapp auf einem iPhone. Am Montag wird um 15 Uhr mit Oma in der Turnhalle geturnt. Der Termin wird mit MetaCom-Symbole dargestellt.

Individually adaptable.

The Independo calendar app is adaptable to the needs and abilities of its users. In this way, the calendar can grow with users and be individually adjusted to them.


Users can create and manage daily and/or weekly plans in the form of pictograms or even view appointments from parents, teachers or carers*. The appointments planned with conventional calendar apps are synchronized by Independo and translated into pictograms.

Diary function

Automatically generated summaries of activities can be rated with emojis and supplemented with audio recordings and personal photos. This enables users to record experiences and tell others about them.

The features

Individually adaptable.

The Independo calendar app is adaptable to the needs and abilities of its users. In this way, the calendar can grow with users and be individually adjusted to them.

Can be synchronized.

Users can create daily or weekly plans in the form of pictograms or simply view ready-made appointments from parents, teachers or therapists in the app.

Diary function.

Automatically generated summaries of past activities can be rated with emojis and supplemented with audio recordings and personal photos. This enables users to tell others about their activities and record experiences.

Isabell und Alexander sitzen lächelnd im Schneidersitz nebeneinande. Alexander hat seinen Kopf an Isabell angelehnt, die eine Tablet in der Hand hält.

We work according to standards

Standardised Metacom icons

Developed in co-design

Tested in schools

Developed in Austria

find out more

Your benefits

This is how Independo makes
your everyday life!

Abby sitzt lächelnd auf der dunkelgrünen Couch und hält ein Smartphone in der Hand. Links hinter ihr liegt ihr Kuscheltier.

Independo for users

More belonging and independence with the calendar app for smartphone or tablet. Plan your days or weeks independently or synchronize completed appointments from parents or teachers. Your day is yours!

Alexander und Manuela umarmen sich und drücken lachend ihre  Nasen aneinander.

Independo for parents

What is better for parents than a child who surpasses themselves? With the calendar app, your child can now plan and record activities independently. And the best part — more time for family!

In einem Klassenraum steht eine Lehrkraft neben einer Schüler:in und lächelt.

Independo for teachers

Save time and synchronize the class schedule with the Independo calendar app. No need for individual, handwritten paper planners anymore. Inclusion can be that easy!

But don't just listen to us:

“Die App gibt meinem Bruder Sicherheit im Alltag. Die Einfachheit der Anwendung erfüllt genau die Bedürfnisse meines Bruders.”

Sven, Angehöriger eines Nutzers

"Independo ist großartig. Ich habe wieder mehr Zeit und Ordnung in meinem Leben. Und das Wichtigste: mein Kind liebt es!"

Sarah K., Mutter

"Ich kann Papa jetzt zeigen, wann ich im Büro und wann ich bei Gruppentreffen bin."

Luise, Kalender Nutzerin

“Independo ist nicht nur eine Kalender-App, sondern ein Lern-Tool.”

Gundula, Mutter und Frachkraft für Unterstützte Kommunikation

“Das Onboarding war super! Den Kindern hat es sehr gefallen und den Lehrer:innen auch.”

Andrea, Sonderpädagogin

Try it out!

Alexander lächelt und kniet auf dem dunkelgrünen Sofa. In den Händen hält er ein Tablet.

Easy testing in just 3 steps:

Co-design creates trust and functionality — from registration to calendar entry. See for yourself!

➀ Sign up online
➁ Install app
➂ Get started!

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Get rid of the paper planner.

We are your springboard to independence. With Independo, you have a pictogram-based buddy in your pocket. Ready for new adventures?

about our subscriptions
Eine kleine Wolke im Comic-Style, die freundlich winkt.Do you need help?