
We are working on solutions for a more inclusive Internet. These are our milestones.


Isabell und Stella gehen Hand in Hand auf den blauen Himmel im Hintergrund zu.

50 institutions

In autumn 2023, we started our pilot phase, in which 50 schools and associations tested our app.

291 updates in the app

Based on feedback from the test phase, we made 291 changes to the app to best meet the needs of our users.

42,832 icon-based calendar entries

Since the start of the pilot phase, 42,832 calendar entries have already been created in the Independo app.

Social Enterprise

Verified Social Enterprise

The VSE label is awarded to social enterprises — these are companies, cooperatives or associations that were founded not only to achieve economic success, but above all to make a sustainable contribution to society, whether in the social or ecological sector. For us, this is not just an award, but a confirmation of our mission and values.

The logo of Social Entrepreneurship Network Austria The Verified Social Enterprise logo.
A group photo of Florian, Daniel, Konstantin and Michael from our team at the Verified Social Enterprise Label Award Ceremony.

We are proud of our
Awards and awards

Logo des Social Impact Awards.
Logo by Netidee
Logo des Social Impact Awards.
Logo by Netidee



We believe change can only be achieved through collaboration. Individual strengths and expertise allow us to find innovative solutions together. Because true independence is only possible through strong cooperation. Get to know our cooperation partners:

Independo Co-Founderin Julia lachend zusammen mit Alexander, der seinen Arm über Julias Schulter legt. Sie hält ein Tablet in der Hand.

The story

Alexander smiles and kneels on the dark green sofa. He holds a tablet in his hands.

From the idea to a team

The Independo journey began in autumn 2022, when we discussed the challenges their clients face when entering the job market with the association Integration Wien. The fact that in the 21st century there was no digital calendar available that is accessible to people who have difficulty reading and writing was unacceptable to us.

As part of the Innovation extension program at TU Wien, we then developed the Independo app together with partner institutions in Austria. With Independo, we want to give everyone a piece of self-determination — and therefore freedom.

Ready to change the digital world together?

We are always happy to cooperate and provide support in the areas of development, testing or inclusion. Get in touch with us!

to the contact form
Eddie, eine kleine Wolke im Comic-Style, die freundlich winkt.Eddie, die schwarze Wolke, schaut mit seinen Großen Augen nach links oben.Do you need help?